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4.6 ( 9536 ratings )
Sviluppatore Andrey Rozhkov

"I forgot!". How often do you pronounce this phrase? Once a week? Once a day? Each hour? There is no such person on earth who never forgets anything. This is how our brain works. So we think. It is only necessary to distract our attention, and we have already forgotten about something very important that we should definitely do.

What did you have to pay for your forgetfulness? Sometimes the consequences are not so serious, but it often happens that it completely changes our lives. For example, financial losses if you suddenly forgot to pay off a loan or extend insurance. Grievances of relatives and friends, if you forgot to congratulate them on the anniversary. A spoiled vacation if you mixed up time and your plane flew away without you.

A lot of events are happening around us. For many of them, we must make decisions. Do not keep everything in mind! Do not rely on your memory! Do not keep in mind a list of planned tasks! Just fix your thought, even if it will be a simple piece of paper at your fingertips.

Of course, in the modern world, a person will likely have a smartphone at hand rather than a scrap of paper with a pen. Todays gadgets are a kind of extenders of the human brain into which you can store and store a large amount of information in them.

So, do not keep your mind in mind! Save them in our application on your smartphone, or tablet, or on your computer in a web browser if you are currently using a computer. To do this, just open the application or go to our website. Our application works on all available platforms and browsers.

Here comes the time. You save tasks in the to-do list. The list is growing. Some tasks need to be done tomorrow. Some in a year. Gradually, there are so many such tasks that you are no longer able to cover everything at once. You have to re-read the huge to-do list over and over again to see what else needs to be done today. It is very uncomfortable. How to be There is a solution. You can group tasks by their application segments.

Our life is impossible without the world around us. What is around us affects us and requires us to take some action. The objects surrounding us can be divided into segments: things, money, family, education, health. These segments, in turn, can be divided into several more segments. For example, segments of a thing can be divided into segments a house, a cottage, a car, a snowmobile. Each such segment has its own list of tasks that need to be completed. For example, in a house, repair a door, extend insurance for a car, plant dill in a country house.

Thus, a huge list of tasks, you can easily scatter into folders-segments, and thereby restore order in your records. Each segment has its own set of segments. It is configured individually for each person based on his needs.

So, the to-do list is compiled and segmented. But he is still very big. It contains tasks that need to be done in the near future, which will be in a year, expired tasks, as well as tasks that do not have a specified deadline. How to shorten the list and select only those tasks that are currently of interest? A powerful filter system in the application will help you with this, which will allow you to accomplish this.

With the application you can look into the future. Set the current date to the calendar, for example, the day after tomorrow, and you will see from this point in time which tasks you have to complete on this day and which will be overdue.

We approached the most important thing. There is a list of tasks, but when to perform them? The schedule planner will help you with this. Open the schedule for the current day in the second panel and drag what you want to do from the task tree into the schedule timeline. Thus, you can plan your day, as well as any other day.

The application has a large set of functions for organizing tasks and scheduling time. Only a few are listed here. You can find more information in the application guide on our website.